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TheeDigital > Portfolio > Brij Community

Web Development for a Small Business Assistance Network

Brij Community



Small businesses form the fabric of many local communities. In the wake of the worldwide COVID-19 breakout, many were put into particularly tough times, struggling just to stay afloat. That’s when Brij was born with the mission of connecting small businesses and local customers.

People can donate to and support their favorite local businesses and in return, businesses can offer promotions to boost engagement. All that was missing was the right website to help get the job done.

Brij Homepage - Small Business & Community Connection


To meet their needs, TheeDigital provided front-end development, working in tandem with another development team who provided the back-end.

The site needed to be intuitive, giving the user a clear idea of the mission and function of Brij. On the front end, the team crafted a beautiful homepage that includes a clear purpose statement plus convenient links for donations and listings. The site also includes a directory tool for finding businesses, leading to an easy-to-use contribution form for making secure donations.


This cleanly designed, fast acting and SEO friendly website is ready to bring people together through donations, promotions and positive storytelling. Brij now has a great tool to facilitate a positive impact for local economies and strengthen the ties of communities. 

Custom Web Design for Community Fundraising Company
Brij Community Candidate Page
Brij Community Candidate Search Page
Brij Community About Us Page
Brij Community Sign-in Page
Brij Community Website on Laptop and Mobile Phone

Custom Website with Fast Function

Our front-end team used the react.js javascript to build a wireframe. This javascript is on the forefront of web development and packs a punch. It brings incredibly fast browsing for users, with pages loading nearly instantaneously.  

The site boasts an elegant visual design, using variations of the company’s brand colors for an aesthetic that is both welcoming and friendly.

Elements like image slideshows and hover features move fluidly, adding even more to the user experience.

Brij Community Homepage on Mobile Phone

Thumb-Friendly Mobile Website

This website was designed for mobile responsiveness. Navigation buttons and links are placed to catch eyes and be easily usable. Pages and content load relative to a device’s screen and images and visuals remain crystal clear. Due to its included SEO features, this quality mobile site will also assist in overall search engine rankings.

Much of life is on-the-go. When businesses wish to say thanks or offer promotions and when customers wish to donate, they can do it seamlessly through this inviting site from their preferred device.


Visitors Can Search Businesses Based on Tags - Supporting Small Businesses

Find Businesses With Tags

Our front-end development team worked with the back-end team to create this feature which locates businesses based on parameters. A user simply selects what they are seeking.  You can locate a business based on: if it’s running a promotion, doing fundraising campaigns for something specific, or if it has a locally owned or family owned designation.

This feature will then quickly populate associated businesses. Once the selection is clicked, users are navigated to a page featuring information on the company and an option to contribute.

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