Custom Marketing and SEO

Ecommerce Website Rebuild for a Tech Company

12.25% Increase in Total Users
23.6% Increase in Transactions
128% Increase in Traffic from Social Media


Acromag provides signal conditioning and embedded I/O products for the military, aerospace, municipalities, and other industries. For over 60 years, they have provided these highly specialized solutions to customers and clients all over the globe. Based out of Michigan, ecommerce is a large part of their business.

Their goal for their new website was more traffic, more sales, and a better user experience. They knew they needed an agency that could handle their highly technical needs. After discussions with our team, they were confident that we were the right agency for the job.

Acromag Before Image
Custom Web Design for a Tech Company


AcroMag’s original website was built on Drupal, an open source content management system. Migrating their site, including 800+ products and dozens of downloadable PDFs, to WordPress and WooCommerce was a huge undertaking, but one we were up for! WooCommerce and WordPress allow AcroMag to have more control over their website and update it more easily.

They sell two types of products: signal conditioning and embedded I/O. These are different products with different target audiences and, as such, needed to be clearly represented as two separate divisions. We worked to ensure the design of the homepage, and the rest of the site, kept these two divisions separate.

Due to the two divisions and their large product inventory, it is important for customers to be able to search and sort products by category and product tag. And with their large client base spread out all over the globe, they needed a better way to keep track of their customers and leads.


Due to the highly technical nature of their field and their site, we worked closely with AcroMag’s marketing team throughout the entire process. With our expert team and their feedback, we were able to create a site that meets their needs and their customer’s needs.

AcroMag’s new website is modern, easy to navigate, and allows customers to find the part(s) they need more quickly than before.

acromag case study header


To better meet their ecommerce needs, we migrated their products, PDFs, and content to their new WordPress site with WooCommerce. WooCommerce is fully customizable, allowing us to tailor it to AcroMag’s needs. The flexibility of the platform also gives them the freedom to make changes and add or remove products as they need to, without the help of a web developer.

We also designed the home page and product menu to clearly display the two divisions: signal conditioning and embedded I/O. In addition, we worked to ensure that each product category page was clear and easy to navigate so customers can find the part they need without a lot of clicking around. We also set up a live chat function so customers that do need assistance can get it quickly.

To address their customer/lead database concerns, we helped them get set up with HubSpot, our preferred customer relationship management software.

Mobile Friendly Web Design

Mobile-Friendly Design

Today it’s more important than ever to choose a web development company that knows how to create content that can easily be viewed on all mobile devices and that is also thumb-friendly so readers can easily see the site’s content.

It has to offer a truly mobile-friendly experience, ensuring it loads quickly, it’s easy to fill out contact forms, and offers an intuitive layout. Having a truly mobile friendly experience also improves Google search engine rankings, so the website is now more visible to clients that are in need of technology solutions.

WooCommerce Web Development for Tech Company

WooCommerce Online Store

Acromag believes that I/O solutions should be dependable and offer superior value. They needed a custom WordPress website that customers could easily find, compare and order.

Using WooCommerce we were able to accomplish this and more. Their new website’s ecommerce area is easy to navigate, contains detailed product images, technical specifications and options.

As far as the user experience goes, our developers made it easy to compare various products, and even offers suggestions for customers to see what other customers have purchased when buying a particular item.

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